Make sure that you learn how to use your medicine properly. This is very important for children that use inhalers. Some experts estimate that half of all asthma use inhalers improperly. When used properly asthma inhalers deliver medicine much more effectively than other methods and the risk of side effects are much lower than other treatment options.
If your doctor has established an asthma treatment plan for you, there are certain criteria you should meet if the plan is working effectively. Wheezing and coughing should be limited to only one or two days a week. Waking up during the night due to symptoms shouldn't occur more than once or twice a month. There should be no limits on your daily activities. You shouldn't need to use your quick-relief inhaler more than two days a week, and your lung test readings should be at least 80% of your predicted personal best. If you aren't meeting all of these criteria, you may need to see your physician in order to reevaluate your treatment plan.