Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Great Advice For Anyone Suffering With Troublesome Asthma

People of all ages can suffer with asthma. It can be hereditary or can suddenly occur with no prior problems. An asthma attack can be frightening and potentially fatal if it is not treated and the asthma gotten under control. This article can help you to manage and treat your asthma attacks.

Consider using a spacer with your inhaler. A spacer is a device that goes between your puffer and your mouth. Using a spacer can help more of your medication end up in your lungs where it can work, instead of sitting in your mouth and throat where it doesn't do you any good.

Asthma is known to intensify the effects of the common cold and the flu, particularly the associated sinus and respiratory infections. It is therefore suggested to stay on top of flu shots during the winter if you have asthma. You should also take care to dress warmly and stay dry to reduce the chances of catching a cold.

Medications that will help you control symptoms when you have an attack are oral corticosteroids and bronchodilators. Bronchodilators, usually referred to as "rescue medications", are usually inhaled but also come in liquid, tablet, or they are injectable. These are the most popular forms of 'rescue medications' that you can get.

One important part of an effective asthma treatment regimen is selecting the proper inhaler. Asthma inhalers deliver bronchodilators that open airways and ease chest constrictions. There are devices available for both short and long term symptom relief. Asthma sufferers should use an inhaler whose bronchodilator formula is suited to their particular symptoms.

If you have asthma, it is important to avoid allergens. These irritants can trigger an attack and cause coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath. Things you should stay away from are tobacco smoke, pollen, dust, mold and pet dander. Some people are also sensitive to cold air or overexerting themselves.

Start and stick with a regular exercise regimen to help you control your asthma. Be aware of how your asthma affects your physical abilities, but remain active. This helps your endurance and lung capacity as well as serves as a stress relief. As a side benefit, regular exercise improves your overall health, making it easier to manage a chronic condition like asthma.

As previously stated, asthma can attack people of all ages. There are many different causes but the result is the same. There is great difficulty in breathing and even the possibility of sudden death. This article hopes to help you manage your asthma and find treatment methods to bring you relief in breathing freely.

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